Roadworthy Certificate Sunshine Coast.
If You’re Sick And Tired Of Waiting Around For Hours To Be Stung With A Huge Repair Bill For Unnecessary Repairs, You’re not alone, many car owners feel the same way, we’re here to Help!
Roadworthy Certificate “Must Know” Facts – in Plain English!
Roadworthy certificates on light vehicles (cars and small trucks up to and including 4.5 Tonnes) are called “Safety Certificates” in Queensland.
Safety certificates are fully regulated by Queensland Transport, including;
- who can issue safety certificates
- how much to charge for a safety certificate
- what items are required to pass/fail a safety certificate
Click here for Vehicle Inspection Guidelines
A safety certificate is issued when the vehicle has passed a Basic Safety Inspection and should not be used as a pre purchase inspection prior to purchase or comprehensive report on a vehicles condition . Click the link for pre purchase inspections.
When Do I Need a Safety Certificate?
- To advertise a vehicle for sale – unlike other states, you must display a safety certificate when you advertise a registered vehicle (with Qld Rego) for sale in Queensland. The fine for advertising a Queensland registered vehicle for sale without a “current” safety certificate displayed is around $400 and the only way around this rule is to de-register the vehicle “before” advertising it.
- To Transfer Registration – from one person to another unless your vehicle meets an exemption such as; a beneficiary of a deceased estate, transfer between spouses, seller is in an exempt area or you are in a remote location. Click here for more on exemptions.
- To change registration from interstate – whether you have moved from interstate or bought a car with interstate rego, you only have a 2 weeks to register the car in Qld or once again, you can be fined!
- When your registration has expired – you have 3 months from the “due date” to pay for your rego otherwise it will expire and you will have to get a safety certificate and apply for a new registration. You are not allowed to drive during this 3 months (massive fines apply as does possible impounding of the vehicle) and a penalty (approx $50 extra) applies if you don’t pay by the “due date” (unless the due date is a weekend then you can pay for rego on the first working day after the weekend without being penalised BUT you still can’t legally drive after the due date).
- To register an unregistered vehicle – pretty self explanatory really, buy an unregistered car or let your registration expire and you will need a safety certificate along with a “new registration application form”
- When defected – if you’re caught by Qld Transport or Qld Police driving an un-roadworthy vehicle you may be asked to present your car for a partial or full roadworthy inspection
Can I Drive My Car To Get A Safety Certificate?
Yes, you can legally drive an unregistered car on the road for the purpose of getting it registered, But You Must;
- Carry a CTP (compulsory third party) insurance certificate – which means you must see your preferred CTP insurer (not Qld Transport) and pay for the CTP portion of your registration and have the certificate with you.
- Carry a completed vehicle registration application form – go to a Qld Transport customer service centre and get a vehicle registration application form or download it right here (registration application form F3518) and fill it out.
- Drive directly to get a safety certificate – take the shortest route possible to your approved inspection station ONLY (make sure you book your roadworthy inspection so that if you do get pulled up you have proof that you’re on the way to drop your car off for inspection).
- Drive directly to a Qld Transport customer service centre – only once your car has passed and you have paid for and obtained a safety certificate, you can then drive strait to the closest Qld Transport customer service centre via the shortest possible route to pay for your registration.
What If My Car Does Not Pass The Inspection?
- If your car does not pass the first inspection – you have 14 days to return the car for one Free re-inspection of the failed items.
- If your car does not pass the re-inspection – the safety certificate will be cancelled and you will have to pay for another safety certificate and have another full inspection. Qld Transport will be notified that your car did not pass the re-inspection (this is a mandatory requirement of every Authorised Inspection Station).
- If you fail to return for re-inspection within 14 days – the safety certificate will also be cancelled and you will have to pay for another safety certificate and have another full inspection. Qld Transport will be notified that your car did not return for re-inspection (this is a mandatory requirement of every Authorised Inspection Station).
How Long Is A Safety Certificate Valid For?
- Private Sellers – 2 Months OR 2000 Kms (whichever comes first).
- Licensed Motor Dealers – 3 Months OR 1000 Kms (whichever comes first).
- A Safety Certificate may ONLY be used once for a Sale or Transfer.
What Happens If My Safety Certificate Expires?
- If your safety certificate expires – and you still haven’t sold your car or transferred the rego, you must take your vehicle for another full inspection and pay for another safety certificate.
- Advertising a car for sale – with an expired safety certificate displayed in the window of a car for sale is as good as no safety certificate at all (fines apply).
What If My Vehicle Is Modified?
Modified vehicles fall into a number of category’s depending on the type of modification.
- Minor Modifications – generally involve the installation of accessories. Provided the vehicle still meets the required standards, minor modifications do not require written approval. Eg. long range aerials, tow bars, roof racks.
- Basic Modifications – are modifications to a vehicle that are more significant than minor modifications but not significant enough to require written approval. Basic modification must meet all applicable requirements listed in the NCOP (National Code of Practice), ADR’s (Australian Design Rules) and vehicle standards. Eg. Lowering/raising a vehicle, non-standard exhaust systems, replacement wheels.
- Modifications Under a Code of Practice – are complex modifications that can seriously affect the safety of a vehicle if not performed properly. Complex modification must be performed in accordance with the approved codes of practice based on accepted vehicle engineering practices and the requirements of the Australian Design Rules for Motor Vehicle Safety and certified by an approved person. Eg. engine upgrages, steering/suspension replacement, gearbox changes, braking system modification.
- Specific Modifications – are modifications which are outside the scope of the approved codes of practice and beyond approval by an “Approved Person”. Such modifications must be applied for and approved by the Department of Transport and Main Roads.
For more information on vehicle modification standards and guidelines click here.